A group of teenage female soccer players sitting on a bench inside an indoor soccer facility, proudly wearing silver medals around their necks. The goalkeeper in the center wears a pink jersey.


Warriors Soccer Club is dedicated to developing well-rounded athletes and fostering community through teamwork and sportsmanship.
A group of young female soccer players in navy blue uniforms celebrating indoors while holding their gold medals. One player in a pink goalkeeper jersey is lying in the front, smiling.
A group of young soccer players sitting around a table, enjoying pizza and snacks after a game, smiling at the camera.

Our Journey: Building champions together

The Club has seen remarkable growth since its inception, from one U-12 boys team in 1988, affiliated with the Capital City Soccer Club.
In 1989, the Club was officially recognized as the Mill Woods Warriors Soccer Club. It had expanded to three boys teams and an Indoor program was introduced that fall.
In 1990, the first girls team (Under-12) was added to the Warriors Soccer Club.
In March 1998, two Under-11 teams (a girls and a boys) were added to the Warriors Soccer Club.
Warrior teams have consistently placed high in league standings and many teams have advanced to “A” and “B” provincial and national competition.
Players from the Warriors program have attended high performance camps and elite soccer camps, and have been invited to and been selected for numerous provincial soccer teams.
Graduates of the Warrior Soccer program are now playing or have played soccer at higher levels of competition including NAIT, Grant MacEwan, University (in Canada and the United States) or Senior programs. Players from the Warriors program have attended high performance camps and elite soccer camps, and have been invited to and been selected for numerous provincial soccer teams.

meet our coaches

Meet the dedicated individuals behind our club.
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Brian Obando

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Angie De Benedetto

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Kevin Myskiw

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Brad Abel

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Todd Watson

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Mark Korthuis

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Jason Steele

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Niki Vignjevic

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Brad Abel

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Andy Nadema

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Casey Mcclelland

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Dusko Stojanov

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Josh Mercer

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Cameron Helgren

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Matthew Croxen

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Tinashe Mandiwara

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Jonny Alberkant

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William Pylypow


Grant MacEwan

Edmonton Drillers Reverse Squad

Concordia College

University of Alberta

Canadian National U-19 (Silver Medal) Canadian National Women’s

Professional Soccer

Edmonton Aviators Soccer Club

Canadian National U-21

University of Memphis


A U17 girls’ soccer team posing for a group photo in front of a sponsor banner inside an indoor facility. They are wearing navy blue uniforms, with one goalkeeper in a purple jersey, standing arm in arm.

do you have a question?
we can help you!

Find answers to your most pressing questions about our soccer programs and membership.

What should I do if I forgot to register?

Registration information for the Warriors Soccer Club will be updated on our web site as soon as the information is available.

How do I register for the Warriors Soccer Club?

Registration information for the Warriors Soccer Club will be updated on our web site as soon as the information is available. Advertising will appear to provide you with the actual dates, times and locations. Visit our Registration page for more information.

How do I try out for Warrior Soccer Teams?

You must register with the Warriors Soccer Club before you attend tryouts.

Do I have to live in your zone to play with the Warriors?

No, Warriors soccer teams (as all other teams playing within the E.M.S.A. program) are allowed players (imports) who do not reside within their zone.

Can I play Warriors and Seniors at the same time?

YES, but Alberta Soccer rules state that you must register for the Warriors Soccer Club first.

Can I play Warriors and School Soccer at the same time?

Yes, but you may find it difficult in terms of managing yourself between two soccer teams (could be as much as four games and four practices per week between both teams) and your school work. Some of our players play for Warriors, their school team & also attend the FC Edmonton Academy.

Will I still be playing with my friends?

Warrior teams are formed based upon year of birth (age appropriateness), so the answer is YES, if you both are trying out for the same team and both make the team. IF NOT, then you’ll be making new friends, just like going from one school to another.

Am I good enough to play?

We encourage all skill levels to come to tryouts. You may be surprised that you fit in very well with club calibre soccer. Never feel that you’re “not good enough” — we are our own worst critics — so let the coaches & evaluators decide. If you tried out once before for the Warriors and didn’t make it, we strongly encourage you to give it another try.

What programs do you offer?

The Edmonton Warriors Soccer Club is part of the EMSA West. We offer the Boy’s & Girl’s Premier Program in U9 – U17.

Who are the coaches, and how are they selected?

We strive very hard to provide knowledgeable, committed coaches to coach in our program. A Coach’s Selection committee selects all of our coaches. Coaches are continually encouraged to upgrade their coaching credentials.

Are there any tournaments?

Warriors teams are encouraged to participate in at least two tournaments. Your coach will determine the actual number of tournaments. The Club provides each team with funds towards tournament registrations.

How long does the season last?

Outdoor season: May through August; Provincials for qualifying teams during August. Indoor season: Mid-October to the end of February; Provincials for qualifying teams during March.

What is the time commitment for players?

Outdoor season: 1 or 2 games and 1 or 2 practices per week. Games are citywide. Indoor season: 1 game and at least 2 practice per week. Games are played at: Edmonton Soccer Centre West (17415 – 106A Ave) Edmonton Soccer Centre East (12720 Victoria Trail) Edmonton Soccer Centre South (6520 Roper Rd) Occasional games may be also be played at: Trans Alta Tri Leisure Centre (221 Campsite Road – Spruce Grove, AB)

What is the cost of registration?

Registration fees are outlined on our Registration page.